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Post on 30-08-2013 05:58:38 PM - 2928 Views

Unique Energy Booster

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Unique Energy Booster
Feed Supplement for use in Aquaculture.

 Neo-Mix is an ideal vitamin formulation enriched with energy source for use as feed supplement in Aquaculture.
Neo-Mix is an ergogenic aid that can help to fuel both growth and performance of shrimp, prawn and fish in aquaculture.
Neo-Mix is a natural product and mostly hepatoprotective, thereby it will reduce ill effect or even improve the physical state and function of the liver and pancreas.
Neo-Mix also is helpful in ridding the body of harmful substances and providing an instant energy boost for shrimp, prawn and fish.

Supportive during disease indications
Stress conditions
Poor growth
Size variations
Lower yields

Increased food efficiency
Better health condition
Better growth
Higher production

a) Strengthen the detoxifying function of liver and Pancreas
b) Adjust the immune function
c) Nourish the exoskeleton and regulates the calcification
d) Improve oxygen deficit
e) Improve the control and coordination capability of various organs 

Dosage and Administration:
Shirmp and Prawn: 5.0 to 10.0 gm per kg of feed
Fish: 1.0 to 2.0 gm per kg of feed or as advised by Aquaculture.

Store in a cool dry place at 250C to 300C and protect from direct sunlight.

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