Combine Tra Vinh Agriculture and Fisheries Department of Can Tho University organized the seminar: "Management & prevention disease for shrimp of brackish water in Tra Vinh area"

SUNday - 08/09/2013 10:51
Combine Tra Vinh Agriculture and Fisheries Department of  Can Tho University organized the seminar: "Management & prevention disease for shrimp of brackish water  in Tra Vinh area"

Combine Tra Vinh Agriculture and Fisheries Department of Can Tho University organized the seminar: "Management & prevention disease for shrimp of brackish water in Tra Vinh area"

On 06/14/2013, APC Company Limited pleased to sponsor the seminar: "Management & prevention disease for shrimp of brackish water in Tra Vinh Province"
On 06/14/2013, APC Company Limited  pleased to sponsor the seminar: "Management & prevention disease for shrimp of brackish water  in Tra Vinh Province"

Join the discussion were representatives of Tra Vinh Agriculture Department,  Animal Husbandry Department, Fisheries Extension Center and Dr. Truong Quoc Phu - Head of Fisheries Department- Can Tho University, PhD. Dang Thi Hoang Oanh - Chairman of  Disease Department of Can Tho University , and  farmers in  Cau Ngang , Duyen Hai  - Tra Vinh Province. At the seminar, PhD. Dang Thi Hoang Oanh  announced about acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (AHPNS) also known as early mortality syndrome (EMS) on shrimp,  also giving recommendations for control syndrome.
The author: Phan Cong Minh Engineer
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