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Neo – C

Post on 30-08-2013 06:00:43 PM - 2943 Views

Unique and Stable VitaminC

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Unique and Stable VitaminC
Feed Suplement For use in Aquaculture

Neo – C supply Vitamin C for fish, prawn and shrimp.
Neo-C is essential in prawn and shrimp for disease resistance, rapid growth, high survival and moulting.
Neo-C plays an important role in shell development and protein metabolism of prawn and shrimp.
One of the important functions of Neo-C is in the collagen synthesis, which is an important aspect in muscle development of Shrimp, Prawn and Fish.
In prawn and shrimp, Neo-C influences the alkaline phosphatase activity during the synthesis of chitin and sclerotization of the epicuticle.
Fish, Prawn and Shrimp are unable to biosynthesize Vitamin C.
Neo-C has also been shown to help detoxification of toxins, chemicals, pesticides and drugs.

Recommended Dosage:
Shirmp and Prawn: 2-3 g /kg of feed
Fish: 1-2 g /kg of feed or as advised by Aquaculture Consultant.
Store in a cool dry place at 250C to 300C and protect from direct sunlight.

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